Can we achieve gender equality by 2030?

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Poverty rates are improving following increases during the pandemic, with 9.8% of women and girls (compared to 10.3% last year) living in extreme poverty (less than $2.15 per day).

However, at the current pace, it will take 137 years to eradicate extreme poverty for women and girls. The number of girls out of school has decreased by 5.4 million since 2015, but 119.3 million remain deprived of education. One in every four seats in parliament are now held by women, up from 22.3% in 2015, but the slow pace of change means that gender parity may not be reached before 2063. Child marriage has declined from 24.1% to 18.7% since 2003, but at this rate, girls will continue to be married as children until 2092.  

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